The long, narrow Kunsthal display window is the perfect location for the recurrent themes in Rendón Benger's work, such as distance, proximity and the role of the general public.
Kunsthal Light #12
In her interactive installation, she plays with the visitors' child-like joy and sensual experience of nudging and bumping their way through the exhibition space. The interaction with the architecture of the Kunsthal provides an extra dimension for the public, who, from outside, watch a performance given by the visitors.
Kunsthal Light
Kunsthal Light creates opportunities for talented artists, putting the spotlight on modern muralists, urban and comic artists, conceptual art and installations. The artists are given the freedom to create a site-specific work in the display window along the building's front slope.
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Mondriaan Fund
The Mondriaan Fund is a publicly financed fund for visual art and cultural heritage. It supports innovative projects and activities by visual artists, intermediaries (curators and critics), museums and other heritage organizations, art institutions, archives, galleries and commissioning parties.
BankGiro Loterij
Culture connects, inspires, enriches and tells a story where we, Dutch citizens, come from. On the other hand culture is vulnerable and needs to be protected, so that we can enjoy its beauty together with the next generations.